Steam Next Fest Aftermath

Greetings Smithers!

Steam Next Fest took place between the 5’th and 12’th of February.

This was our first time participating, and boy, was it a lot of fun to prepare for and participate on.


Livestream and NEW demo!

Preparing for this event required threading into unfamiliar territory in form of Livestreaming! Although we recorded it in beforehand, we were live in the chat talking to all of you, and it was a blast, Thank you all who came to watch!

We had also prepared a NEW FREE DEMO for you guys to try out via Steam and Sidequest. This was a huge milestone for us and something all of you Smithers have been longing to get your hands on! As the demo went live, we were thrilled to hear about your experience of the game via the community hub on Steam store page and through a form post along with the news of the demo! 

Thank you so much for all your feedback, we’re working on a lot of it already!

Have you not played the demo yet? The Demo is still available! 

Played the demo? We would love to hear your experience on the game!

Now what?

The event is over BUT the development of BlackForge is going strong toward the full release of the game! 
We are so grateful to all of you Smithers that try the demo, leave feedback, joins the community on Discord sharing ideas for improvements and just having a good time with us and the game! This would not been the same without YOU! 
Stay tuned for more updates for the game by joining the discord or just follow on our socials @manabrigade!

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Until next time,

Everything the sun touches, belongs to someone else.


– Julia at Mana Brigade