
Hello Smithers!


Wrapping up this november with a last blog post of the month. Let’s do a deep dive and take a closer look at the gameplay when using wood in BlackForgeVR!

Got wood?

Every weapon would do good with a handle right? We believe so too and to make the workflow of adding a handle more immersive, we use inspiration from the real world. First up is the wood station!

As you take your first steps in the forge, the Merchant will introduce you to the wood station where you can pick a type of wood material by pulling the different handles. Then you can choose a desired length simply by dragging the wood out from the station and then use the axe to chop it.

Wood turning

Time to trim down that piece of wood to a smooth handle. Use the chisel given to you as you process in the game and get to work! Careful not to trim it too much or the wood might break into tiny splinters! 

Do you need a handle longer than the wood turning can fit? Don’t worry, let’s talk about wood welding!

1 + 1 = 1

Now it’s time to put the two pieces together! Use your mighty hammer to weld the pieces to a longer handle that you want. Don’t worry if your two pieces are not similar in size, as you weld them together, they will automatically fuse together smoothly.

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Until next time,

Do your math


– Julia at Mana Brigade